Friday, September 29, 2017

√ Pola Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Wacana Imperative And Instruction Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Contoh Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris wacana Imperative and Instruction beserta Kunci Jawaban – Kalimat perintah atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan imperative sentence / instruction ialah kalimat yang berisi perintah semoga objek melaksanakan apa yang diminta oleh subjek kalimat. Baik dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat perintah biasanya tidak diikuti oleh subjek alasannya ialah niscaya subjek dari kalimat perintah ialah “saya”. Oleh alasannya ialah itu, penulisan kalimat perintah biasanya eksklusif dimulai dengan kata kerja. Agar lebih memahami wacana kalimat perintah, berikut ialah pola soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana imperative and instruction beserta kunci jawabannya.


I.Decide if the imperative is used in the extracts below to guve instructions (i), advice / reminders (a / r), orders / requests (o / r) or warnings (w).



Don’t touch this wire. It’s dangerous. (w)


  1. Find a shiny spoon. Each side is a different type of mirror. Lok at the reflection of your face in both sides. What are the differences? ____

  2. It’s very easy to make. You heat the sugar and butter in a pan, then add the milk. ____

  3. Look out, there’s a car coming. ____

  4. Don’t forget you’re meeting your bank manager at 2.00 today. ____

  5. First put your money in the machine and then press the button. ____

  6. Jake, switch on the television for me, will you? ____

  7. Remember to wear comfortable shoes. And take some warm clothes too. ____

  8. Take care, won’t you? It’s quite icy on the road. ____

  9. Look at th pie, will you, and tell me if it’s ready. ____

  10. Do exercise 10 for homework. ____


II.In the following recipe written by a learner, there are nine mistakes. We have corrected the first one. Can you correct the other eight?


Recipe for Hummus


You need:

  • 500 grams chickpeas

  • 2 tablespoons tahina

  • juice of 2 lemon

  • 2 – 3 cloves of garlic

  • salt and pepper

  • black olives



  1. Putting the chickpeas in water overnight.

  2. In the morning they drain and boiling in fresh water for three hours.

  3. You drain again, but you kept the water.

  4. Then are put the chickpeas into a blender with the cooking water.

  5. Adds the tahina, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper.

  6. Now we decorate with black olives, and are serving on a shallow dish.


III.Read these written instructions for using a phone card. Put them in the right order.




  1. Wait for phone card to be ejected.

  2. Insert phone card.

  3. When call is finished, replace receiver.

  4. Dial number and wait for connection.

  5. Lift receiver and check dialling tone.


  1. e

  2. ___

  3. ___

  4. ___

  5. ___


IV.Fill in the gaps in these spoken instructions for using a phone with verbs from the box. Some of the gaps are in the imperative and some are in the present simple.

come out




pick up


put down

put in




A         : Excuse me, can you tell me how I use this phone?

B         : Well, have you got a phone card?

A         : Yes, here.

B         : OK, first (1) ___________ the receiver, (2) ___________ the card ___________

here, see? Right, now, this display (3) ____________ you you’ve got ten pounds and

just (4) ____________ the number you want. You (5) ____________ to watch the

display to check how much money you’ve got left.

A         : Thanks. How (6) ____________ I ____________ my card back at the end? Will it

just come out?

B         : Yeah. You just (7) ___________ the receiver ___________ and your card (8)



Kunci Jawaban:



  1. (i)

  2. (i)

  3. (w)

  4. (a / r)

  5. (i)

  6. (o / r)

  7. (a / r)

  8. (a / r)

  9. (o / r)

  10. (i)


Recipe for Hummus


You need:

  • 500 grams chickpeas

  • 2 tablespoons tahina

  • juice of 2 lemon

  • 2 – 3 cloves of garlic

  • salt and pepper

  • black olives



  1. Putting the chickpeas in water overnight.


  1. In the morning they drain and boiling in fresh water for three hours.


  1. You drain again, but you kept the water.


  1. Then are put the chickpeas into a blender with the cooking water.


  1. Adds the tahina, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper.


  1. Now we decorate with black olives, and are serving on a shallow dish.



  1. e

  2. b

  3. d

  4. c

  5. a



  1. Pick up

  2. Put the card in

  3. Tell

  4. Dial

  5. Need

  6. Do I get

  7. Put the receiver down

  8. Come out


Demikianlah pola soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana imperative and instruction beserta kunci jawabannya. Berlatih banyak soal akan membantu kita dalam memahami suatu bahan dalam hal ini ialah wacana imperative and instruction. Semoga bermanfaat!
