Tuesday, February 6, 2018

√ Passive Voice Dan Jawabannya

Passive Voice Dan Jawabannya | Pada kesempatan kali ini aku akan menawarkan beberapa pola soal mata pelajaran bahasa inggris. Materi yang akan kita bahas kali ini yaitu Passive voice. Bahi anda yang belum begitu paham dengan materi tersebut, anda sanggup berguru melalui blog ini. Ada banyak pola soal dan jawabannya yang sanggup anda gunakan untuk materi belajar. Nah, berikut ini adalah  Passive Voice Dan Jawabannya : 

Passive Voice Dan Jawabannya Bagian I

Nomor 1
The editor edits the article.
The passive form of the above sentence is "The article ..... by the editor
A. edits
B. edited
C. be editing
D. is being edited
E. is edited

Soal tersebut mempunyai terjemahan "Pengedit mengedit sebuah artikel", maka bentuk pasif kalimat tersebut yakni artikel di edit oleh pengedit atau dalam bahasa Inggris "The artikel is edited by the editor".
Jawaban: E

Nomor 2
They are building a new ring road round the city.
The passive form of the above sentence is "A new ring road ......"
A. is built
B. builds
C. be building
D. was building
E. is being built

Soal diatas mempunyai terjemahan: "Mereka sedang membangun jalan lingkar gres sekitar kota". Maka bentuk pasif kalimat tersebut: "Jalan lingkar gres sedang dibangun", atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya: "A new ring road is being built".
Jawaban: E

Nomor 3
We have delivered the packages.
The passive form of the above sentence is: "The packages ..... by us.
A. delivered
B. have been delivering
C. have been delivered
D. to be delivered
E. have to be delivered

Soal tersebut mempunyai terjemahan: "Kami telah memberikan paket", sehingga bentuk pasif kalimat tersebut adalah: "Paket telah disampaika oleh kami" atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya: "The packages have been delivered by us:.
Jawaban: C

Nomor 4
'Last night a thief broke into my brother's house'
'Really? What ......from the house?
A. the took
B. was to take
C. was being taken
D. was taking
E. was taken

Soal diatas mempunyai terjemahan:
'Kemarin malam seorang pencuri masuk kedalam rumah kakakku'
'Apa ....dari rumah'
Seorang pencuri niscaya mengambil sesuatu sehingga kata yang cocok untuk melengkapi kalimat dengan titik-titik yakni 'Apa yang diambil dari rumah? atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya: "What was taken from the house".
Jawaban: E

Nomor 5
'What time will delayed plane depart?'
'They say that it ....by airport afficer soon'
A. will announce
B. is to announce
C. to be announced
D. announces
E. will be announced

Soal diatas mempunyai terjemahan:
'Hingga jam berapa pemberangkatan pesawat akan ditunda?'
'Mereka menyampaikan bahwa hal tersebut....oleh petugas bandara segera'
Sehingga kata yang cook untuk mengisi titik-titik yakni akan diumumkan atau Mereka menyampaikan bahwa itu akan diumumkan oleh petugas bandara segera atau dalam bahasa Inggris "They say that it wil be announced by airport afficer soon".
Jawaban: E

Nomor 6
The teacher always asks the homework ... by the students at home.
A. is mada
B. is making
C. to make
D. to be made
E. being made

Soal diatas mempunyai terjemahan: "Guru selalu meminta pekerjaan rumah ....oleh siswa dirumah. Sehingga kata yang cocok untuk mengisi titik-titik yakni dikerjakan atau secara lengkap: "Guru selalu meminta pekerjaan rumah dikerjakan oleh siswa dirumah atau dalam bahasa Inggris "The teacher always asks the homework to be made by the students at home"
Jawaban: D

7. “Many moms were washing the clothes in the edge of the river.” The passive voice of that sentence is…………

a. the clothes was washed Many moms in the edge of the river
b. Many moms were being washed in the edge of the river
c. Many moms were washed in the edge of the river
d. the clothes were wash Many moms in the edge of the river
e. the clothes were being washed Many moms in the edge of the river

jawabannya: E
penjelasan : dalam kalimat aktifnya kita sanggup melihat bahwa subjek yakni many moms (banyak ibu-ibu) yakni subjek , were washing (jenis past continuous tense), the clothes (baju-baju) sebagai objek dan in the edge of the river yakni kata keterangan kawasan (place adverb)

8. “Has Fairuz told the true story?”. The passive voice of that sentence is…………

a. Fairuz has been told by the true story
b. Fairuz has told been by the true story
c. the true story has been told by Fairuz
d. the true story have been told by Faiuz
e. the true story Fairuz has been told

jawabannya: C
penjelasan: meskipun kalimat sebelumnya, sanggup kita rubah menjadi kalimat pasif n dalam kalimat pertanyaannya kita sanggup melihat bahwa subjek yakni Fairuz yakni subjek , has….told (jenis present perfect tense), the true story (cerita yang sebernya) sebagai objek

9. “Why are you pale?”. “as usual, I ……..for the dorm-rent by the landlady”

a. am dunning
b. am dunned
c. dun
d. am to be dunned
e. am to dun

jawabannya: B
Penjelasan: dalam kalimat aktifnya kita sanggup melihat bahwa terdapat kata “by” yang kita ketahui sebagai identitas kalimat pasif, jadi memakai rumus “O+to be + Verb 3”

10. One of the teachers rang the break bell to announce the student that it is break time, so the examination …….. next time

a. is cancelled
b. was cancelled
c. will canceled
d. will be cancelled
e. has been cancelled

jawabannya: D
penjelasan: dalam kalimat aktifnya kita sanggup melihat bahwa subjek yakni the examination (ulangan) yakni subjek , dan kita dibantuk dengan kata keterangan waktu (time adverb) berupa next time dan merupakan keterangan waktu the present future tense, sehingga menggunkaan rumus will + be + verb 3

11. My hair ……….. by my mom yesterday

a. were cut
b. has been cut
c. had been cut
d. will be cut
e. was cut

jawabannya: A
penjelasan: dalam kalimat aktifnya kita sanggup melihat bahwa subjek yakni my hair (rambutku) yakni subjek , dan kita dibantuk dengan kata keterangan waktu (time adverb) berupa next time dan merupakan keterangan waktu the simple past tense, alasannya yakni rambut merupakan benda yang tidak sanggup dihitung (uncountable noun)sehingga menggunkaan rumus was + verb 3

12.”The boys have been told the good news.” it means____

A.The good news was told to the boys
B.Somebody has told the boys the good news
C.The good news has been told by the boys
D.The boys have told the good news

Jawaban : B

Key Word : Have been Told

13. The meeting was supposed to be held yesterday, but it has been____to next thursday.

A.Taken off
B.Worn off
C.Put off
D.Called off

Jawaban : C

Key word : Supposed to be held yesterday

14. The proposal____ discussed when I called the office this morning.

A.was being
D.Have been

Jawaban : A

Key Word : when I called

15. Black, red and even bright pink diamonds_____

A.Occasionaly to find
B.Ocasionally Found
C.Have Ocasionally been found
D.Have Ocasionally Found

Jawaban : C

Key words : Diamonds

15.Many books_____but one of the best is “how to win friends and influence people” by dale carniegie.

A.have written about success
B.Written about success
C.Have been written about success
D.About successful

Jawaban : C

Key words : many books

16.______were first viewed through telescope by galileo.

A.Jupiter has four moons

B.Jupiter’s four moons

C.Jupiter surrounded by four moons

D.Surrounded by four moons, jupiter

Jawaban : B

Keyword : were first viewed

17.In november of 1863, the city of atlanta _____during sherman’s famous “march to the sea”

A.was completely burned

B.Completely was burned

C.It was burned completely

D.Completely burned it

Jawaban : A

Key Word : The city of atlanta

18.The supreme court does not hear a case unless_____, except those involving foreign ambassadors.

A.a trial

B.Already tried

C.It already trying

D.It has already been tried

Jawaban : D

Key word : Unless

19._____Occasions for congratulations.

A.Birthday that usually considered

B.usually considering birthdays

C.Birthdays are usually considered

D.that considered birthday usually

Jawaban : C

key word : occasions

20.Electron storage rings____in investigation of the structure of materials.

A.They are used

B.That are used


D.Are used

Passive Voice Dan Jawabannya Bagian II

Guess whether the sentences are passive voice or active voice!

1. She lost her car last night.

a. Active voice
b. Passive voice

2. My motorcycle was stolen in the parking area.

a. Active voice
b. Passive voice

3. I am listening to the dialogue.

a. Active voice
b. Passive voice

4. She doesn’t like playing tennis.

a. Active voice
b. Passive voice

5. The book was written by my father.

a. Active voice
b. Passive voice

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice!

6. My sister is washing dishes.

7. The teacher closes the door.

8. Diana opened the window.

9. The dog did not bite your mouse.

10. Sandra took the bottle.

Choose the correct form!

11. In the 1990’s, this car ______.

a. is manufactured
b. was manufactured
c. will be manufactured

12. His first book _____ tomorrow morning.

a. is launched
b. was launched
c. will be launched

13. Last year, this child _____.

a. is adopted
b. was adopted
c. will be adopted

14. She _____ to my birthday party.

a. are invited
b. have been invited
c. has been invited

15. They _____ killed in the same place.

a. were
b. was
c. has been

Choose the right tenses of these following sentences!

16. By the guide, Diana had been warned.

a. Simple past
b. Simple future
c. Past perfect
d. Present perfect

17. You will be picked up by the police.

a. Simple past
b. Simple future
c. Past perfect
d. Present perfect

18. My computer was used.

a. Simple past
b. Simple future
c. Past perfect
d. Present perfect

19. The salary has been paid.

a. Simple past
b. Simple future
c. Past perfect
d. Present perfect

20. She had been taught by my father for two meetings.

a. Simple past
b. Simple future
c. Past perfect
d. Present perfect

Change these sentences into passive voice!

21. Daniel asked a question to Mahendra.

22. The worker built the house.

23. They have given me a useful advice.

24. She will buy my phone.

25. The teacher is telling us a joke.


1. a
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. The dishes is being washed by my sister.
7. The door is closed by the teacher.
8. The window was opened by Diana.
9. Your mouse was not bitten by the dog.
10. The bottle was taken by Sandra.
11. b
12. c
13. b
14. c
15. a
16. c
17. b
18. a
19. d
20. c
21. Maendra was asked a question by Daniel.
22. The house was built by the worker.
23. A useful advice have been given by them.
24. My phone will be bought by her.
25. A joke is being told by the teacher.

Demikianlah pembahasan kami mengenai  Passive Voice Dan Jawabannya . Semoga beranfaat bagi anda yang membutuhkannya. Sekian  Passive Voice Dan Jawabannya. 

sumber : http://jeffreyphysics.blogspot.co.id/

Sumber http://kumpulancontohsoall.blogspot.com