Friday, September 29, 2017

√ Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Perihal Tags Dan Indirect Questions Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris wacana Tags dan Indirect Questions beserta Kunci Jawabannya – Question tags merupakan jenis kalimat tanya (interrogative sentence) yang dipakai untuk menyatakan bahwa kita baiklah dengan lawan bicara kita. Ciri dari Question tags ini biasanya terdapat lawan (bentuk positif/ negatif) dari kata kerja dalam kalimat tanya tersebut, misalnya “You don’t do your homework, do you?”. Kata don’t do bermakna negatif, sedangkan kata do you pada selesai kalimat menyatakan kebalikannya (bermakna positif).


Question tags berbeda dengan indirect questions. Indirect questions ialah jenis kalimat tanya dimana kita tidak eksklusif menanyakan sesuatu kepada seseorang, misalnya “Do you know where the school library is?”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat tanya, namun inti dari pertanyaan tersebut (where the school library is) tidak ditanyakan secara langsung. Indirect questions biasanya dipakai kepada orang yang belum terlalu dikenal untuk mengatakan kesopanan. Agar lebih jelasnya, kali ini kita akan membahas wacana soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana tags dan indirect questions beserta kunci jawabannya.


I. Look at the tags in the conversation extracts below. Write the “use” number (1 – 3) on the table below after each tag.


No.Use of Tags
1.Tags are used to suggest a shared opinion, and encourage the other speaker to answer.
2.Tags are used to check something we’re not sure about.
3.Tags are used to ask for help or information



A: Peter is really good to work for.

B: Yes, he is really helpful, isn’t he?   (1)


1. A: You couldn’t open the door for me, could you? ___

2. A: Do you know how often trains go to Birmingham?

B: Mike should know, shouldn’t he?   ___   He travels a lot.

3. A: You know Pat and Neil? They never say hello when I see them.

B: Yes, they’re really unfriendly, aren’t they?   ___

4. A: You haven’t got a hammer, have you? ___

B: Yes, I am sure I have somewhere.

5. A: I am next in the queue, aren’t I? ___

B: No, I’m afraid it’s me next, actually.

6. A: Have you noticed how people are always great when there’s a problem?

B: Yes, they are, aren’t they?   ___


II. Add six tags to the learners’ conversations below, in places where they make the conversations sound more natural. You may need to delete some words.


(First Conversation)


A         : So, what shall we do tonight? You said you wanted to try the Japanese restaurant,

didn’t you?

B         : Yes, I did. What do you think?

A         : Well, I will come with you only if it’s not too expensive. It’s very expensive to live


B         : Yes, I agree, for most things. I bought some novels the other day, and they were

twice as expensive as they are at home.

A         : But some things are cheaper. Clothes are reasonable.


(Second Conversation)


A         : This is more difficult than the first exercise.

B         : Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s OK.

A         : You’ve finished, Marcel. What did you put for number 5?

C         : Number 5? It could be “has been”.

A         : Oh yes, it is. And you couldn’t tell me the answer to number 8?

C         : That’s “has gone”.


III. Complete each conversation with a suitable indirect question.



A         : Excuse me. Could you tell me how far it is to the city centre?

B         : yes, of course. It’s about three kilometres. You’re nearly there.

A         : Thanks very much.


  1. A : Excuse me. ______________________________________________ ?

B  : No, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I don’t. You could go to Tourist Information. They will give you a list of hotels here.


  1. A : Hello, Ollie, how are you?

B  : I’m fine. ________________________________________________ ?

A  : Oh, that’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid I’m busy tonight. How about tomorrow?


  1. A : Have you heard from Deborah recently?

B  : No, I haven’t actually. ______________________________________ ?

A  : No, I don’t. She said she’d phone me if she got the job, but she hasn’t called.


Kunci Jawaban:



  1. (3)

  2. (2)

  3. (1)

  4. (3)

  5. (2)

  6. (1)



  1. A : So, what shall we do tonight? You said you wanted to try the Japanese restaurant,

didn’t you?

  1. A : Well, I will come with you only if it’s not too expensive. It’s very expensive to live

here, isn’t it?

  1. A : But some things are cheaper, aren’t they? Clothes are reasonable.

  2. A : This is more difficult than the first exercise, isn’t this?

  3. A : You’ve finished, have you, Marcel? What did you put for number 5?

  4. C : Number 5? It could be “has been”, couldn’t it?



  1. Do you know which is a hotel with the best view in this area?

  2. I was wondering when could I watch a movie with you again?

  3. Do you know did she get the job?


Demikianlah soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana tags dan indirect questions beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga pola soal tersebut sanggup menambah pemahaman teman – teman wacana tags dan indirect questions. Semoga bermanfaat!
