Friday, September 29, 2017

√ Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Ihwal Non-Defining Relative Clauses Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Non-Defining Relative Clause ialah jenis klausa yang menjelaskan kata benda (noun) atau frasa kata benda (noun phrase) sebelumnya. Berbeda dengan Defining Relative Clause dimana bila klausa tersebut dihilangkan maka kalimat akan mempunyai makna yang kurang, Non-Defining Relative Clause memperlihatkan warta embel-embel di sebuah kalimat dimana bila klausa tersebut dihilangkan maka keseluruhan kalimat masih sanggup mempunyai makna yang sanggup dimengerti. Agar lebih jelasnya, berikut ialah latihan soal bahasa Inggris wacana non-defining relative clauses beserta kunci jawabannya.

I. Underline the relative clause in each sentence, and say if it is defining or non-defining. Then answer the question about the sentence.


The course, which was very tiring, passed very quickly. > non-defining

Which is the main information, a) or b) ?

a) The course was very tiring b) The course passed quickly > b)

1. My mother, who had been sitting still for a very long time, finally spoke. > __________

Does the sentence make sense if you leave our the relative clause? > ___________

2. The woman who was standing in the corner finally left, but the other women stayed behind. > ____________

Is the sentence OK if you leave out the relative clause? > ____________

3. A boy, who was wearing a jacket, was seen running away from the burning car. > ____________

Which is the main information, a) or b) ? > ____________

a) The boy was wearing a jacket

b) The boy was seen running away from the burning car.

4. I have got a new job which is wonderful. > _____________

What is wonderful, a) or b) ?

a) The job itself b) having a new job > __________

5. The chairs, which at first looked old and dirty, were very valuable. > ____________

Which is the main information, a) or b) ?

a) The chairs were old and dirty b) The chairs were very valuable > ___________

II. In the story below all the relative clauses have been removed. Put clauses (a – g) in the gaps and add commas where necessary. In some places more than one clause will be suitable.

River Rescue

A quick-thinking cyclist c) today received an award for his actions.

Steve Kimberley was cycling homw one day last year when an anxious woman ased him to help a man (1) _______ . Steve (2) ________ intially tried to pull the man out with a dog lead. Then, as someone else rang for the police, he tried to keep the man calm and alert by asking him questions. Eventually a police officer threw a rope to the man (3) ________ .

Mr. Kimberley (4) ________ was today being presented with the Tom Mogg Trophy by the Royal Lifesaving Society. Mr. imberley (5) ________ had been taught by the society’s Rescue Uni (6) ________ .

a) who lives in Bath

b) who had recently had a series of three life-saving lessons

c) who helped save the life of a man who fell into an icy water

d) who had fallen into the river

e) who works as a computer webmaster

f) which meets at Culverhay Sports Centre

g) which he was able to climb up


III. Rewrite each sentence using a defining or non-defining relative clause.


While I was in Bali I met a really beautiful woman. She told me all about her experience in modelling.

> While I was in Bali I met a really beautiful woman who told me all about her experience in modelling.

1. We went to this wonderful holiday complex. There was a huge pool and a fitness centre.

 _______________________________________________

2. The pool was used fr pembinaan by Olympic athletes. It was over 100 metres long.

 _______________________________________________

3. Our room had a fantastic view over the beach. The room had a jacuzzi and a large balcony.

 _______________________________________________

4. There were lots of insects. They ept me awae at night with their buzzing and bitting.

 _______________________________________________

5. Fiji has beautiful golden beaches and warm, clear blue sea. The beaches are often empty.

 _______________________________________________

Kunci Jawaban:


1. My mother, who had been sitting still for a very long time, finally spoke. > non-defining relative clause

> Yes, it does.

2. The woman who was standing in the corner finally left, but the other women stayed behind. > defining relative clause

> No, it isn’t.

3. A boy, who was wearing a jacket, was seen running away from the burning car. > non-defining relative clause

b) The boy was seen running away from the burning car.

4. I have got a new job which is wonderful. > defining relative clause

b) Having a new job

5. The chairs, which at first looked old and dirty, were very valuable. > non-defining relative clause

b) The chairs were very valuable


1) d)

2) a)

3) g)

4) b)

5) e)

6) f)


1. We went to this wonderful holiday complex which has a huge pool and a fitness centre.

2. The pool, which was over 100 metres long, was used for pembinaan by Olympic athletes.

3. Our room that had a jacuzzi and a large balcony had a fantastic view over the beach.

4. There were lots of insects that kept me awake at night with their buzzing and biting.

5. Fiji has beautiful golden beaches,which are often empty, and warm, clear blue sea.

Demikianlah latihan soal bahasa Inggris wacana non-defining relative clauses beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga pola latihan tersebut sanggup menambah pemahaman teman – teman wacana jenis klausa ini. Semoga bermanfaat!
