Saturday, September 30, 2017

√ Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Wacana Past Continuous Dan Simple Past Tense

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris wacana Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense – Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense yaitu dua jenis tenses yang sering dipakai bersama dalam penggunaannya. Past Continous Tense yaitu jenis tense yang memakai to be (was, were) dan verb-ing. Sedangkan Simple Past Tense yaitu jenis tense yang memakai kata kerja bentuk ke-2 (Verb 2). Agar lebih memahami penggunaan kedua jenis tenses tersebut, berikut yaitu soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense.

Latihan Bahasa Inggris wacana Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense

A. Exercise 1: Choosing the best form (Latihan 1: Memilih bentuk yang tepat)

Read what each speaker is thinking about. Tick the best sentence to use for the speaker (v).


I want to describe the main situation when I arrived at the party.

a) Everyone was dancing. v

b) Everyone danced. ____

1. I am thinking of the whole car journey.

a) The driver was driving too fast. ____

b) The driver drove too fast. ____

2. I want to know about your action after the President’s death.

a) What were you doing when the President died? ____

b) What did you do when the President died? ____

3. I want to show that I finished my dream.

a) I dreamt about a wonderful holiday. ____

b) I was dreaming about a wonderful holiday. ____

4. I want to tell you what sort of person he was.

a) He was talking too much. ____

b) He talked too much. ____

5. I want to show that I was interrupted.

a) I was talking about her when she came into the room. ____

b) I talked about her when she came into the room. ____


6. I want to show that different things happened at the same time.

a) He made a phone call, cooked, supper, and drank a coffee. ____

b) He was making a phone call, cooking supper and drinking a coffee. ____

7. I want to describe the situation when I broke my arm.

a) I carried a big bag up some steps. ____

b) I was carrying a big bag up some steps. ____

8. I want to show that different things happened one after another.

a) She was buyinga new house, writing a novel and arranging the wedding. ____

b) She bought a new house, wrote a novel and arranged the wedding. ____

B. Exercise 2: Learning from learners (Latihan 2: Belajar dari pelajar)

Look at these extracts from pieces of writing by learners of English. Put a tick mark (v) if the verbs of the past continuous or simple past are right, or you can put a cross mark (x) if the verbs are wrong.


The bell at pur school rang (v) at two o’clock in the afternoon and all of the children were running (x) out of their classes.

a) It was like the bell had released a sea of students. Children (1) were running ( __ ) everywhere.

b) While we (2) were chatting ( __ ) two monkeys appeared and (3) were moving ( __ ) towards us.

c) When I (4) was working ( __ ) as an Executive Secretary to the Managing Director I (5) was living ( __ ) with my parents.

d) When the police (6) were arriving ( __ ) Mr. Jones was arrested.

e) One day, while Mr. Pippett (7) took ( __ ) Solom out for a walk, the pair (8) met ( __ ) Solom’s previous owner.

C. Exercise 3: Written practice (Latihan 3: Menulis)

Look at this picture. What is wrong?

Read the police statement from a cyclist who was in an accident. Complete it with verbs from the box in either the past simple or the past continuous tense.














The accident happened at 5.55 p.m. on 15 August. I (1) _______ home from work along Abbey Road. A car, suddenly, (2) _______ past me and (3) _______ left. I (4) _______ not ________ time to stop, and I (5) ________ the side of the car. I (6) ________ off my bicycle, and I (7) ________ on the ground when the car (8) _________ and the driver got out. He asked if I was OK. I (9) ________ ‘No’, because my left leg (10) ________ a lot. He (11) _______ an ambulance and it (12) ________ me to hospital.

Demikianlah soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense. Semoga latihan di atas sanggup bermanfaat bagi sobat – sobat untuk memahami penggunaan kedua jenis tenses tersebut dengan lebih baik lagi. Terima kasih.
