Contoh Kalimat Past Tense – Jika kita mencar ilmu mengenai tenses tentu saja banyak sekali jenisnya. Kini kita akan membahas mengenai penggunaan kalimat past tense. Biasanya simple past tense ini dipakai untuk menjelaskan insiden maupun insiden yang terjadi di masa lalu. Tentu saja kalimat ini dapat diaplikasikan pada bermacam-macam kalimat. Seperti halnya positive setence, negative setence maupun interrogative sentence.
Rumus kalimat past tense yang harus anda ketahui
Kali ini JadiJuara akan mengajak anda untuk mencar ilmu bahasa Inggris. Kita akan kupas secara tuntas mengenai tenses simple past tense.
Supaya anda cepat paham dengan pola kalimat past tense. Tentu anda harus tahu rumusnya. Biasanya kalimat past tense ini memakai bentuk kata kerja kedua. Jika anda ingin cepat paham dengan pola kalimat past tense, sebaiknya anda perhatikan banyak sekali rumus dari simple past tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif maupun interogatif nya.

Jenis Kalimat | Rumus | Contoh Simple Past Tense |
positif (+) | S + Verb-2 (past tense) S + be(was/were) | The children came |
I was a stamp collector | ||
negatif (-) | S + did + not + bare infinitive S + be(was/were) + not | The children didn’t come |
I wasn’t a stamp collector | ||
interogatif (?) | Did + S + bare infinitive be(was/were) + S | Did the children come |
Was I a stamp collector |
Berbagai fungsi dari kalimat past tense
Tentunya kalimat past tense ini juga mempunyai banyak sekali fungsi yang perlu kita ketahui. Dengan mengetahui banyak sekali fungsinya ini. Kita pun akan semakin paham dengan kalimat tersebut. Inilah banyak sekali fungsi dari kalimat past tense berserta dengan contohnya. Antara lain:
Menjelaskan insiden di masa lampau
Salah satu fungsi dari kalimat past tense tentu saja untuk menjelaskan suatu agresi yang terjadi dalam durasi waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Preposition “for” tentu saja dapat membantu anda untuk menyatakan periode waktu kejadiannya.
Contoh kalimat past tense
- Reni and I went to the Trans Studio Bandung two months ago ( aku dan Reni pergi Trans Studio Bandung dua bulan lalu).
- Did he come on time yesterday? ( apakah ia tiba sempurna waktu kemarin?)
- The party started at 09.00 pm ( pesta mulai jam 9 malam)
Menjelaskan suatu kebiasaan di masa lampau
Nyatanya kalimat past tense juga dapat membicarakan suatu kebiasaan yang terjadi di masa lalu. Bahkan biasnaya subordinate conjuction menggunakan”when” pada situasi tersebut.
Contoh kalimat past tense
- When I was a senior high school student, I always got upat 4 am to study.
(Ketika aku sma, aku selalu berdiri jam 4 pagi untuk belajar.) - I often did exercises in the gym when I lived in Bandung.
(Saya sering berlatih di gym saat tinggal di Bandung.)
Menunjukkan ada agresi eksklusif mengikuti agresi yang sudah selesai
Contoh kalimat
- I had already finished my breakfast when he picked meup.
(Saya telah final sarapan saat ia menjemput.)
Digunakan pada conditional sentence tipe 2
Kalimat past tense ini biasanya memang dipergunakan untuk kalimat yang mempunyai condotional sentence tipe ke dua. Bisa dibilang bentuk kata kerja ke dua.
Contoh kalimat
- I would buy a sport car if I had much money ( aku akan membeli kendaraan beroda empat sport jikalau punya uang banyak)
- If he studied hard, he would be pass ( Jika ia mencar ilmu keras, ia akan lulus)
Contoh Kalimat Past Tense Lain
Berikut ini kami sajikan pola kalimat past tense yang lain sehingga anda lebih memahami bagaimana cara menciptakan kalimat past tense itu:
1. Positive Sentence
Kalimat past tense dalam bentuk positif rumusnya yaitu:
(Kalimat Positif)
- S + V2
- S + was / were
Berikut ini pola kalimat Past Tense bentuk positif:
No. | Sentence |
1. | I found my cat because of you, thank you for your help yesterday |
2. | We went to the mountain for hiking and we found out the incredible scenery there |
3. | The traditional market opened at seven last year but now it is open at five in the morning |
4. | So I choose biology because I love learning it and mostly about animals |
5. | You forgot our meeting yesterday, what happened? |
6. | By the time I arrived there, there was no one there so I got back home |
7. | If I am not wrong she told me to do so |
8. | Went back to the village make me so happy |
9. | We saw you last night, you looked so pretty |
10. | Nicky played the movie last Saturday night in his house |
11. | The hikers reached the top of the mountain |
12. | We learned Spanish last year and we are going to learn France |
13. | The governor of Surabaya launched the opening of city’s park last year |
14. | The passenger who ate the instant noodle from that shop is keracunan |
15. | The accident happened last night it was a car hitting a motorcycle |
16. | I knew that the concert is canceled, it will be held in the next Saturday of March |
17. | I told Teddy to bring the skateboard because he had asked me to teach him |
18. | She sang a beautiful song, and the audience was crying because of it |
19. | My cat slept in the couch yesterday, it was so cute |
20. | I read your message yesterday, and I bring your orders |
21. | My parent wrote a letter to school saying that I was sick |
22. | They taught me how to dress well |
23. | He paid the dinner for me, gave me some present, and drove me home it was sweet night for us |
24. | She broke her leg last year and she is getting better now |
25. | We saw you in the mall with him yesterday |
26. | Mom grew a flower in the garden, I do not know what the name is but the flower is so beautiful |
27. | We fed our pets in their cage |
28. | He brought me some cookies from London, it was so delicious |
29. | Simon hung his clothes in the outside to make them dry |
30. | The police hit the robber so hard so they couldn’t run away |
2. Negative Sentence
Jika ada positif biasanya juga ada negatif, untuk kalimat negatif sendiri rumusnya yaitu:
Rumus Kalimat Past Tense (Kalimat Negatif)
- S + did not + V1
- S + was / were + not
Berikut ini pola kalimat Past Tense bentuk negatif:
No. | Sentence |
1. | The teacher did not ask you to do the project now |
2. | My parents did not go to the Lombok island for any business purpose but for holiday |
3. | Tommy did not borrow your pen but you pencil |
4. | Well we did not win the first place but we won the second place |
5. | I did not buy cheese cake but chocolate cake from Arif |
6. | They did not understand the project materials from Mr. Chris |
7. | We did not use the pipe to contribute the water to the people |
8. | Tania did not bring her costume for the show last night |
9. | They did not build the house in 2001 but in 2005 |
10. | I did not only sell lemon juice but all fruit juice |
11. | She was not there when the house is on fire, she was lucky |
12. | They were not a naughty boys, they just looked like it |
13. | It was not me who broke the glass, but my brother is |
14. | The party organizer did not make a design as what I expected before |
15. | He did not answer my call, I am worried about him since last night |
16. | The teacher was not nice at all, she will just straight forward and give you punishment if you are late submitting your homework |
17. | The cleaning services were not lazy at all compared to you James |
18. | I did not offer Jimmy a tour package bonus, I bought it or my self |
19. | He was not smart as you but you have to appreciate his hard work of learning |
20. | The people who waited in the waiting room were not the patients, but they were the job applicants |
21. | She was not hate the kids but those kids had ruined her task |
22. | They were not a naughty pet, they were so adorable |
23. | I was not so good at dancing, before Clara teaches me to dance |
24. | She was not reading a book when she heard an explotion outside |
25. | Susan and Adam were not confused about the path to the mountain that they should take |
26. | She was not curious about the invention |
27. | We were not frightened when we entered the haunted house in the Jakarta |
28. | The committee did not mention your name, so you can’t go for the next round |
29. | My dog did not hurt your cat, it is a loving dog |
30. | We did not hid the paper but we burned it |
Mungkin anda bertanya-tanya kenapa ada yang menggunakan did serta kenapa ada yang memakai was / were? Untuk ketentuannya adalah, untuk did harus diikuti oleh verb, sedangkan penggunaan was / were akan diikuti dengan noun atau adjective.
Untuk rumusnya sudah dijelaskan pada tabel pertama di atas ya. Makara anda tidak usah ragu lagi, kalau masih ada yang diragukan anda boleh mengajukan pertanyaan di kolom komentar ya. Nanti akan kami jawab ya.
3. Interrogative Sentence
Untuk bentuk kalimat past tense selanjutnya ialah dalam bentuk pertanyaan atau Interrogative sentence. Untuk rumus interrogative sentence sendiri yaitu:
Rumus Kalimat Past Tense (Kalimat Tanya)
- Did + S + V1 + ?
- Was / were + S + ?
Berikut ini pola kalimat Past Tense bentuk pertanyaan:
No. | Sentence |
1. | Did you tell them about the invitation? |
2. | Did we forget to ask the teacher to sign the assessment? |
3. | I have announced the important announcement to all participant but why there’s no one here. Did you remind them already? |
4. | I can’t find my wallet. Did you move it somewhere else? |
5. | I want to move to my new house by the lake. Did you know it already? |
6. | Did you help Timmy on computer project? I need your help to teach me the same thing |
7. | Did not Bradley prepare his homework for today? |
8. | Jim, did Maya contact you yesterday about today’s group work? |
9. | Did you cook the meal mom? It was so delicious |
10. | Did she take the trash and recycling it? She is so creative! |
11. | Were they threat you nicely when we went out of town? |
12. | Were you lie to us about the competition? |
13. | Did they help me to find my boy? I am so scared that I couldn’t find my boy anymore |
14. | Was he live in the Marry’s old house? He was so brave |
15. | Did Ian do the cooking? His cooking was so delicious, it feels like I want to eat it everyday |
16. | Did he buy the shoes? If so then why I couldn’t find it |
17. | Hey, I am running out of tomato and I need it now. Did you buy it yesterday? |
18. | Your idea last night was incredible. Did you do the same project before? |
19. | Did you close the door? |
20. | Was it so adorable? I want to buy and taking care of it |
21. | Did you take the journal on the table? Mrs. Anna is looking for it |
22. | Did the teacher come for the private course? |
23. | Was he so busy? I needed to talk with him |
24. | Were those necklaces expensive? If so we can find another store |
25. | Did they prepare my lunch? I would have my lunch at home |
26. | Was the movie so awful? Tell me |
27. | Were you depress? You seemed so quite |
28. | Did Mom hold your hand during the hiking? |
29. | Did him clean our room in the upstairs? |
30. | Was Maria happy to work here with me? |
Bagaimana? Pasti kini anda sudah sangat paham sekali dengan tenses yang kedua ini bukan?
Bahasa Inggris memang sangat mudah. Makara anda tidak usah khawatir lagi berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris atau mengerjakan kiprah bahasa Inggris.
Karena semua instrumen pendukung sudah ada, kini anda dapat mencar ilmu Inggris Online dimanapun anda berada selama ada koneksi internet.
Demikianlah beberapa contoh kalimat past tense dan rumusnya yang dapat kami bagikan untuk anda. Semoga bermanfaat ya. Jangan lupa juga ya untuk membagikan artikel ini supaya semakin banyak lagi orang yang hebat berbahasa Inggris. Simak juga: Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense