Wednesday, November 22, 2017

√ How To Use Dlvr.It (Update 2016)

I've been reading bunch article about "How To Automatically Share Blog Posts To Social Media" and i don't understand some of it (the fact i don't know how to use it at all) until i find so if you are new to this tools may be this article will help you. Let's get started.

1. If you don't have any account, you could sign up here, if you already have one then sign in to your account.
2. After you loged in, you will be on the Automate page.

3. On the Automate page you need to find Find Feed search box, then type your blog feed or your blog address.

4. After typing your blog address you will get some result, click on of it.

5. After clicking, i get an error saying "Feed exceeds 512KB size limit." that mean my feed was to big and free version of dlvr it was configured just to accept no more than 512KB.

6. The think is we need to reduce the size of the feed (of course if you want to use free account), thats why we need to use FEED BURNER.

7. So go to feedburner page (if you already signed in to your gmail account you don't need to log in). You can also visit this google page about reduce feed size.

8. On the MyFeed page, type your blog feed url (IMPORTANT, type like these: then click on Next button.

9. On the Welcome! Let us burn a feed for you page you will see your new feed address. Click on the Next button.

10. On this Congrats! Your FeedBurner feed is now live. Want to dress it up a little? page you will see your new Feed URL, Copy those URL then click on Next button.

11. On this page just click on Next button, then you'll be redirected to the feed page, for now just close the page, then go back to dlvr it page.

12. Now we are doing the 3rd step again, paste your burned feed on those search box. I'm sure this time you won't be failed (don't get any error). So click on the PLUS button.

13.  Configure this page as you wish, or you can follow my example below then click on Next: Connect Socials button.

14. In this page choose whatever social media you desire, in this example i'm using facebook (so i'll click on facebook icon).

15. Then you'll be guided to select your facebook profile, accepting dlvr it app request on facebook , and granting permission and you re ready to go.

16. Now each time you post on your blog, it should be automatically post on your social media account.
